Care Courses Blog

My CDA Has Expired, What Do I Do?

Has your CDA expired? Are you wondering if you should renew or reapply? People call every day with questions such as, "Can I renew my national CDA if it expired?" or "When does my CDA expire?" or "Is it too late to renew my national CDA?"

September 18, 2020

Has your CDA expired? Are you won­der­ing if you should renew or reap­ply? We are often asked, “Can I renew my nation­al CDA if it expired?”

It can be easy to lose track of dates! Make sure to write down the date you received your CDA and the date it expires. Remem­ber, all CDAs issued after June 2013 must be renewed every three years.

Check the expiration date of your CDA

First things first, check the date that your cur­rent CDA expires to make sure that it has already expired. If it has not expired, check out the CDA renew­al steps on our web­site and order your CDA renew­al train­ing set.

If your CDA has already expired, we rec­om­mend that you con­tact the CDA Coun­cil. Ask if they will offer renew­al amnesty or give you addi­tion­al time to sub­mit your CDA renew­al appli­ca­tion. Offi­cial­ly, the CDA Coun­cil requires that you com­plete a new nation­al CDA Cre­den­tial if you did not renew your expired CDA before its expi­ra­tion date.

We always rec­om­mend that you con­tact the CDA Coun­cil before reapplying.

Contact the CDA Council

You can find con­tact infor­ma­tion for the CDA Coun­cil on their web­site. You may want to ask if they will offer renew­al amnesty or give you addi­tion­al time to sub­mit your CDA renew­al application.

If the CDA Coun­cil tells you that you must reap­ply, you will need to com­plete the ini­tial steps need­ed to sub­mit your appli­ca­tion. But, you will not need to redo your 120 hours of for­mal child­care train­ing if you pur­sue the same CDA set­ting as you did orig­i­nal­ly. If you pur­sue a new CDA set­ting then you will need to take train­ing spe­cif­ic to that CDA set­ting.

Please let us know how we can assist you fur­ther with the CDA process! Call us: 1–800-685‑7610, Mon­day through Fri­day, 9–5 ET, or email us days, evenings and week­ends: We’re here to help!

*Please check the CDA Coun­cil for Pro­fes­sion­al Recog­ni­tion’s web­site for updates, changes, or exten­sions to their CDA renew­al amnesty pro­gram and sub­mis­sion deadline.