Chaparral Energy Inc (CHAP)

Chaparral Energy, Inc. engages in the oil and natural gas exploration and production. It focuses on deposits of Stack, Meramec and Osage, Oswego, and Woodford located in Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle. Chaparral Energy, Inc. is headquartered in Oklahoma City, OK.

Key Statistics


Market Capitalization, $K 18,734
Shares Outstanding, K 47,790
Annual Sales, $ 236,350 K
Annual Net Income, $ -468,950 K
Last Quarter Sales, $ 48,850 K
Last Quarter Net Income, $ 4,920 K
60-Month Beta 2.71
% of Insider Shareholders 4.30%
% of Institutional Shareholders 78.44%
Float, K 45,735
% Float 95.70%


1-Year Return -77.60%
3-Year Return -98.08%
5-Year Return 0.00%
5-Year Revenue Growth -65.32%
5-Year Earnings Growth 0.00%
5-Year Dividend Growth 0.00%

Per-Share Information:

Next Earnings Date 08/19/20
Earnings Per Share ttm 0.55
EPS Growth vs. Prev Qtr -17.86%
EPS Growth vs. Prev Year 483.33%
Annual Dividend Rate, $ 0.00
Annual Dividend Yield 0.00%
Dividend Payout Ratio 0.00%

CHAP Ratios

Price/Earnings ttm 0.76
Price/Earnings forward 0.65
Price/Earnings to Growth N/A
Return-on-Equity % 4.63%
Return-on-Assets % 2.29%
Profit Margin % -198.41%
Debt/Equity 1.03
Price/Sales 0.08
Price/Cash Flow 0.14
Price/Book 0.04
Book Value/Share 8.82
Interest Coverage -19.69
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A stock's Profile page contains general information about the stock, such as Ticker Symbol, Exchange traded on, Company Contact Address/Phone, CEO/President, and Company Description. It also includes links to the Industry, Sector, and Index in which the stock belongs: the SIC or the Standard Industrial Classification code, industry groups, and major-market indices including the three Dow Jones indices and their composite, the Nasdaq 100, and the S&P 500, 100 and 400. For stocks, all fundamental information is provided by Zachs Investment Research.

Key Statistics

Growth Table

The 1-3- and 5-Year Returns are adjusted for splits. Growth is based on comparing the value from 5-years ago against the present value reflected as a percentage. For Non-US Stocks 5-Year Dividend Growth is based on the company's dividends per share on a percentage basis, defined as GrowthRate period "5Y" = POWER(Annual Dividends/Annual Dividends from 5-Years ago,1/5)-1

Per-Share Information

An ETF Profile page also shows general information about the fund, but also adds information such as a link to the Fund Family. the Underlying Index. Inception Date, First Trade Date, and Leverage.

Investment Information Table

The YTD, 1-3- and 5-Year Returns are adjusted for dividends and splits.

A Profile for a commodities contract contains the Contract Specifications. Specifications include: